
Initial surveys showcased a large potential for a service related enterprise, catering to the unmet energy demands of the rural hinterland of India.
With initial capital from friends and family, the company was incorporated in April 2008.
2008 – 2011

A lot of time was spent on exploring technological solutions, especially bio-gas and small scale solar. The focus was on institutions and households.
The first installation to empower a rural business under the ESCO model was setup as a pilot.
The first drinking water project using solar water pump was set up at Pardhipada, Jawhar.

Our first micro-grid in collaboration with Bosch solar energy, was set up in Darewadi and catered to the needs of 39 households.
It was inaugurated on the 4th of July, 2012 and five years later, the sustainable system enabled villagers to purchase their own battery for replacement.

Installed a pilot biogas cooking grid for GIZ at Kolvan.
Installed solar micro-grids in Jawhar, Karnataka, Jharkhand and Melghat.
Installed the first solar system for a hostel for differently disabled children.
Installed 11 solar systems for Primary health centers in Nandurbar.
Installed first hybrid micro-hydro & solar micro-grid in North Karnataka.
Installed biogas systems for large institutions.
Installed a large number of solar pumps including a few for irrigation.
2018 onwards

Scaled up the micro-grids and pumps program to over 83 micro-grids and 189 water pumps.
Commissioned biogas-based cooking projects in Goshalas and villages.
Installed systems for the electrification of more than 50 schools and hospitals.
Installed a solar based group irrigation project at Tulyachapada, for 108 farmers in 10 groups and subsequently scaled up the solar based group irrigation projects.
Studied energy needs for refugee camps in Ethiopia and proposed energy access solutions. Designed two micro-grids in Lesotho and surveyed some villages in Myanmar.
Installed a 500 kWp grid-tied solar system for a rural business in Maharashtra.