- We believe meaningful impact assessment needs to be multidimensional.
Measurement practices should not be restricted to a simple question of whether or not access is available

- Assessments help inform future decision making and project implementation
- They also help us understand the value of our projects

- All numbers showcased below are the result of an independent study conducted by surveying 24 solar micro grid and 20 solar pump sites up to January 2018
- Absolute numbers represent averages across households unless specified otherwise

- 100% Households Electrified for each microgrid village
- Provision of lighting for all public spaces – street lights, schools and healthcare centers

- 50L water per person per day
- In line with WHO guidelines for intermediate access

- 100% Households with mobile charging points
- 15-30% Households can use TVs
- 30-50% Households can use a fan
- 2-5 productive appliances per village

- Water source distance reduced to within 2 minutes
- Running water is made available as per village needs

- 24*7 Electricity Supply
- Mild disruptions experienced during monsoons

- Enabled utilization of productive appliances
- Flour Mills, rice huller, fridges, irrigation water pumps,computers and drilling tools

- Over 2 hours extra time available for productive uses according to respondents

- One additional productive appliance per village on average
- 27 appliances across 24 villages

- 40 additional income generating opportunities created across 44 villages

- 84% Households felt they owned the system
- Decentralized ownership enabled systems to adapt quickly to local requirements

- 75% Households participate in the Village Committee meetings

- Over 75% villages were able to resolve most of their issues with limited external intervention

- 78% Households showcased satisfaction with the system

- 42 extra minutes available daily for children to use for studying or playing

- In 75% households, women felt more empowered
- 30-40% of Village Committee’s leadership across villages comprised of women

- 48 extra minutes available daily for women

- 91% Households in solar micro grid sites felt safer outdoors
- 67% Households said accidents due to kerosene usage have decreased indoors

- 96% Households in solar pump sites indicate an improvement in water quality
- 95% Households across all sites indicate improved sanitation and hygiene
In addition to encouraging green energy practices and helping reduce carbon emissions, our projects showcased measureable impact on the environment

- 62% households indicated an improvement in air quality
- In addition to encouraging green energy practices and helping reduce carbon emissions, our projects showcased measurable impact on the environment

- 75% reduction in kerosene usage per household on average